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Paul Gascoigne thanks dentist after acquittal

The former England footballer Paul Gascoigne thanked his dentist after being cleared of sexually assaulting a woman he kissed on a train. 

He allegedly kissed the woman, “very forcefully and sloppily on the lips causing her to be very shaken”. However the 52 year old insisted that he was simply trying to give her a boost in confidence after another commuter suggested she was fat. 

The complainant claimed Gascoigne appeared intoxicated on the train journey to Durham. However his lawyer claimed he was slurring his words because Gascoigne was not wearing the bridge containing his false teeth. 

Mr Gascoigne confirmed that he had drank “3 or 4 cans” prior to the alleged assault.

Prosecuting the case William Mousley accused the defendant of “making it up as he went along”, adding, "He has been lying through his teeth - whichever teeth they were."

Following a four day trial at Teeside Crown Court, and several hours of deliberation by the jury, Mr Gascoigne was cleared of both sexual assault as well as the lesser charge of assault by beating. 

After leaving the court the former, Newcastle, Spurs, Everton and England midfielder commented, “Thank you very much your honour, thank you very much to the jury and thank you very much to my dentist."



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