Wills and Estate Planning Solicitors Bedford

Our experienced team are here to help.

Wills Solicitors Bedford

Do you live in Bedford and need a solicitor to write a Will ?

A Will is a legal tool that helps define what happens upon a person's passing. A Will can be written by both young and old and should not be seen as a chore. It's your opportunity to define which family or friends get your assets or belongings when you die.

From our offices in Goldington Rd, Bedford, MK40 3JY, our Bedford Will solicitors can generate simple Wills, but more importantly the team are experts at drafting complex Wills. If you have complex tax affairs, extensive assets, or detailed requests the Will is your opportunity to list your wishes.

If you have children the Will can be used to identify who they should live with in the event both parents pass at the same time. The Will can also be used to state whether you wish to be buried or cremated.

Upon the point at which the Will is needed our Bedford probate solicitors will assist with:

  • Valuing the estate and assets
  • Contacting banks or other institutions (which hold your assets)
  • Settle any debts, if necessary
  • Distributing assets as set out in the Will
  • Calculate and pay any inheritance tax (if applicable)

In the event a person passes away without leaving a Will that is called, "intestacy". In this case, third parties decide how a person's assets are to be distributed. This is not an ideal situation. 

To organise your affairs, and find out how we can help, please call our Bedford Will Writing solicitors today on 01234 400 000 or email bedford@hcbgroup.com.

Alternatively, complete the online enquiry form below and a member of our team will call you back.



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